BookQueue Movable Type Plugin

BookQueue is a Movable Type plugin which manages a queue or collection of books. It allows you to store the queue in a database and later retrieve the items for display in your Movable Type weblog.

It uses MTAmazon to retrieve product information for each book from Amazon.

BookQueue decodes barcode scan output from the CueCat, making it easy to quickly add many books to your queue. (If you weren't fortunate enough to have received a free CueCat from Radio Shack, you can probably find one for a reasonable price on ebay.)

Download BookQueue: BookQueue-1.01.zip.

Older versions available here.

For more information on BookQueue, see the README file and the Template Tag Reference. Also check out BookQueue's entry in the Movable Type Plugin Directory.

Posted by jlh at 06.May.2003 11:42 PM

This script is amazing, you are one of the first plugin creators I've used that utilized the mySQL mt-plugindata section, I simply didn't get how that worked before. I can't wait for you to make more!

Posted by: Jacob on May 10, 2003 11:07 AM

Wow. I was going to turn OPML into a Bookroll, but this'll work better. :)

Posted by: Richard Soderberg on May 12, 2003 02:59 AM

Will you be adding categories for this? It would be nice to be able to create booklists aside from the read, unread, etc.

Posted by: Vix on May 15, 2003 10:09 PM

This gives me a reason to break out my CueCat...

Posted by: SteveB on May 24, 2003 06:17 PM

Help! I just installed it to try out, and get this comment whenever I enter an ISBN number:

XML::Simple not installed

Now what do I do? :)

Andrew, newbie!

Posted by: Andrew Wong on June 6, 2003 07:01 PM

I've followed the install instructions but keep getting the following error whenever I try and open the admin interface:-

An error occurred: syntax error at extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 320, near ") for "

Posted by: Bernard Wright on June 12, 2003 12:29 AM

How do I set up my CueCat to interface with BookQueue? I can't seem to figure it out.

Posted by: SteveB on June 18, 2003 09:41 AM

I'm trying to get this to work and amazingly I used it on one site and it setup perfectly. Now on the next ... same files uploaded, same host everything I get the following error:

Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 187.

Any thoughts?

Posted by: Kathleen on June 30, 2003 04:18 PM

I can't get MTBookQueue to work, installed MTAmazon and MTBookQueue successfully, however MTAmazon tags will display but MTBookQueue tags won't display. Copied and pasted example code directly from homepage but that doesn't display anything. BookQueue administrative interface works fine, I can add books no problem.

Has MTBookQueue been tested with multiple blogs running off same movabletype installation?

Posted by: Kevin on July 30, 2003 07:45 AM

I got the exact same error message as Kathleen above:

Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 187.

Posted by: James True on August 9, 2003 08:15 PM

Hi! I downloaded the files today and believe that I have followed the directions (they were pretty easy), but I got the following error when I tried to login to the Book Queue:

Loading template 'login.tmpl' failed: HTML::Template->new() : Cannot open included file tmpl/cms/login.tmpl : file not found. at movabletype/extlib/HTML/Template.pm line 1500
HTML::Template::_init_template('HTML::Template=HASH(0x8201500)') called at movabletype/extlib/HTML/Template.pm line 1105
HTML::Template::_init('HTML::Template=HASH(0x8201500)') called at movabletype/extlib/HTML/Template.pm line 999
HTML::Template::new('HTML::Template', 'filename', 'tmpl/cms/login.tmpl', 'path', 'ARRAY(0x8200f00)', 'die_on_bad_params', 0, 'global_vars', ...) called at movabletype/extlib/HTML/Template.pm line 1049
HTML::Template::new_file('HTML::Template', 'tmpl/cms/login.tmpl', 'path', 'ARRAY(0x8200f00)', 'die_on_bad_params', 0, 'global_vars', 1) called at movabletype/lib/MT/App.pm line 302
eval {...} called at movabletype/lib/MT/App.pm line 301
MT::App::load_tmpl('MTPlugins::BookQueue=HASH(0x80ff308)', 'login.tmpl') called at movabletype/lib/MT/App.pm line 334
MT::App::build_page('MTPlugins::BookQueue=HASH(0x80ff308)', 'login.tmpl', 'HASH(0x8200e70)') called at movabletype/lib/MT/App.pm line 241
eval {...} called at movabletype/lib/MT/App.pm line 203
MT::App::run('MTPlugins::BookQueue=HASH(0x80ff308)') called at movabletype/mt-bookqueue.cgi line 30
eval {...} called at movabletype/mt-bookqueue.cgi line 24

Any ideas?


Tanja McCaughey

Posted by: Tanja on September 2, 2003 06:12 PM

I got this plugin (and MTAmazon) up and running, and it works great. However, after installing them, I am having an odd display issue with a weather plugin, and a javascript used on my page. Check out the display, it put this character in there..


It also turns up elsewhere on my page, too. I've tried commenting out the relevant stuff for the book code on a test template (index2.php), and it still shows up.

Now I realize the weather thing and the javascript aren't yours, but I thought I'd post this to see if you have any idea where I could begin looking. Everything works except this single character.

Posted by: Joe Siegler on September 3, 2003 02:58 PM

I can't get this working either -- I'm hitting the same problem on line 187 in BookQueue.pm that others are. Anyone solve this yet? Please mail me if you post the answer.

Posted by: Aaron Smith on September 5, 2003 04:41 PM

I get the following error:

An error occurred:

Invalid ISBN: 0-7382-0543-5

Posted by: John Fulwider on September 6, 2003 05:57 AM

Aaron and others, this is from the comments thread on the plugin's page at MT-Plugins:

"I suspect this is because you don't have permissions to the blog identified by blog id 1, or no blog exists for that blog id. This happens because BookQueue uses the blog id 1 as the default (which is apparently a bug :).

Until I fix this, you should be able to get around it by adding "blog_id=n" to the query string, where n is your blog id number. So if your blog id was 3 for the blog located at yourblog.com, you would enter http://yourblog.com/mt-bookqueue.cgi?blog_id=3 into the location bar."

Posted by: Meredith on October 9, 2003 01:04 PM

John - don't use dashes in the ISBN. No extra characters are allowed.

Posted by: Meredith on October 9, 2003 01:09 PM

Great. Just what I've been looking for. Will soon have it on all my blogs.

www.buchan.org, www.thoughthorizon.com, www.quantumgardener.com and www.successentials.com.au

Posted by: David C. Buchan on October 29, 2003 09:05 PM

When i try to use mt-bookqueue.cgi for the first time, i get this error:

Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at /homepages/33/d89062730/htdocs/mt/extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 187.

It seems to be the line
blog_name => $blog->name,

in the show_queue routine. I'm not a perl programmer, so i'm a bit confused as to what may be wrong with this.

Any ideas?

Posted by: Chris r on November 12, 2003 07:38 AM

When i try to use mt-bookqueue.cgi for the first time, i get this error:

Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at /homepages/33/d89062730/htdocs/mt/extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 187.

It seems to be the line
blog_name => $blog->name,

in the show_queue routine. I'm not a perl programmer, so i'm a bit confused as to what may be wrong with this.

Any ideas?

Posted by: Chris r on November 12, 2003 07:44 AM

One of my user's, using IE, is getting this message when he tries to post a comment:

Rebuild failed: Build error in template 'Small Main View': Error in tag: Error reading XML content:
syntax error at line 1, column 49, byte 49 at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/Parser.pm line 185

I don't have this problem, it rebuilds fine for me when I post a comment. Any ideas? Why would it not work for him, yet work for me?

Posted by: scrooks! on November 14, 2003 10:59 AM

One of my user's, using IE, is getting this message when he tries to post a comment:

Rebuild failed: Build error in template 'Small Main View': Error in tag: Error reading XML content:
syntax error at line 1, column 49, byte 49 at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/Parser.pm line 185

I don't have this problem, it rebuilds fine for me when I post a comment. Any ideas? Why would it not work for him, yet work for me?


Okay, that was interesting. I tried to post this comment and got this error on this site!!!!

Rebuild failed: Build error in template 'BookQueue': Error in tag: Error reading XML content:
syntax error at line 1, column 49, byte 49 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/XML/Parser.pm line 185

Posted by: scrooks! on November 14, 2003 11:00 AM

I feel completely stupid for asking this but am fairly new to PHP. The fact I was able to install all this and get it to work amazes me! Anyway, where do I put the template code so it appears on my pages? Am I just missing the instructions? Thanks! otherwise I love it. Adding books is soooo easy and wonderful for someone who reads 3-4 books a week!

Posted by: lj on December 24, 2003 10:14 AM

I have just installed this, and MTAmazon, and receive this error:
An error occurred: Can't locate Storable.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ./extlib ./lib /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at lib/MT/PluginData.pm line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/MT/PluginData.pm line 9. Compilation failed in require at extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 28. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at extlib/MTPlugins/BookQueue.pm line 28. Compilation failed in require at mt-bookqueue.cgi line 25.

Any ideas?


Posted by: AboutThisBoy on January 1, 2004 01:44 PM


I think you get the error because you don't have the Storable module installed. You can get it here:



Posted by: JP on January 5, 2004 01:36 PM

When I try to install XML:Simple, I get this error:

Can't locate XML/Parser.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ./extlib ./lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at extlib/XML/Simple.pm line 224

According to my web host, XML:Parser is already an installed module. Now what?

Posted by: Katie on January 9, 2004 10:03 PM

Like Andrew, I also see the "XML::Simple not installed" error. I never saw his question answered.

Posted by: Thinks Too Much on January 18, 2004 04:34 PM

Ever since I upgraded to MT 2.661, I have not been able to rebuild any pages. I always end up with the same error. If I remove bookqueue the error goes away. Looks like a problem with Storable. "Storable binary image v2.5 more recent than I am (v2.4) at blib/lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/thaw.al) line 355, at /web/mirrashidi/htdocs/mt/lib/MT/PluginData.pm line 28"

Posted by: Payam Mirrashidi on January 21, 2004 12:48 AM

Where do I find the "Associated Entry Id" in my blog so that I can link my blog entries with the book? I am using MT 2.661 and can't seem to find what the Associated Entry Id would be?

Any help is much appreciated.

Posted by: ahpatel on January 27, 2004 10:59 AM
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